Language Phylogenies Database:

351 Studies from 664 Authors. 443796 Analyses using 72 Tools. Published in 108 Locations.

Dataset and To-Do list. (Version: 4542427)

If you find this useful, please cite:

Greenhill, S. J. (2023). Language Phylogenies. The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Evolution, C61P1-C61P248. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198869252.013.61.

Publications by Year:

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2025A dialectological approach to complement variability in global web-based EnglishRaquel P. RomasantaIndo-Europeanphylogenetic
2024Solving Galton's problem: Practical solutions for analysing language diversity and evolutionLindell Bromhamglobalreview
2024The cultural evolution of witchcraft beliefsSarah Peacey et al. Bantud-statistic asr macroevolutionary
2024LinguiPhyR: A Package for Linguistic Phylogenetic Analysis in RMarc E. Canbymethodological
2024A quantitative approach to clause type and syntactic change in two Indo-European corporaLuigi Talamo et al. Indo-Europeanasr trait
2024The evolutionary dynamics of grammatical gender in Torricelli languagesJose A. Jódar-Sánchez and Marc Allassonnière-TangToricelliasr trait
2024Addressing Polymorphism in Linguistic PhylogeneticsMarc E. Canby et al. Indo-Europeanmethodological
2024Progress on Constructing Phylogenetic Networks for LanguagesTandy Warnow et al. methodological
2024Evolutionary pathways of complexity in gender systemsOlena Shcherbakova and Marc Allassonnière-Tangglobaltrait d-statistic
2024Rate variation in language change: Toward distributional phylogenetic modelingChundra A. CathcartIndo-European, globaltrait methodological
2024The evolutionary dynamics of how languages signal who does what to whomOlena Shcherbakova et al. globaltrait d-statistic
2024Disentangling Ancestral State Reconstruction in historical linguistics: Comparing classic approaches and new methods using Oceanic grammarHedvig SkirgårdAustronesianasr d-statistic
2024Syntactic Structures and the General Markov ModelsSitanshu Gakkhar and Matilde Marcolliglobalphylogenetic
2024Multiple evolutionary pressures shape identical consonant avoidance in the world's languagesChundra A. Cathcarttrait
2024Chapter 3. Phylogenetic signal in the lexicon: Are parental terms influenced by baby talk?Claire Bowern
2024Methods in Malayo-Polynesian comparative-historical linguisticsMalcolm Ross and Simon J. GreenhillAustronesiandelta qresidual
2024Headhunting and warfare in Austronesia: A phylogenetic comparative analysisBoris Gershman and Tinatin MumladzeAustronesiand-statistic trait
2024Principal Component Analysis as a Sanity Check for Bayesian Phylolinguistic ReconstructionYugo MurawakiJaponic, Sino-Tibetanmethodological
2024Divergence-time estimation in Indo-European: The case of LatinDavid GoldsteinIndo-Europeandating phylogenetic
2024Likelihood calculation in a multistate model of vocabulary evolution for linguistic dating.Philipp Rönchen et al. Indo-Europeanmethodological
2024The strength of the phylogenetic signal in syntactic dataFrederik Hartmann and George Walkdenglobalphylogenetic
2024Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of pitch-accent systems based on accentual class merger: a new method applied to Japanese dialectsTakuya Takahashi et al. Japonicphylogenetic phylogeography dating
2024A phylogenetic study of South-Western TibeticDubi Nanda Dhakal et al. Sino-Tibetanphylogenetic dating
2024Investigating environmental effects on phonology using diachronic modelsFrederik Hartmann et al. Bantumacroevolutionary
2024Rates of change and phylogenetic signal in Mixtec toneSandra AudersetMixtecantrait
2024Computational phylogenetics reveal histories of sign languagesNatasha Abner et al. Sign Languagesphylogenetic
2024Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of Philippine languages supports a rapid migration of Malayo-Polynesian languagesBenedict King et al. Austronesianphylogenetic
2024Areal and phylogenetic dimensions of word order variation in Indo-European languagesChristian Ebert et al. trait macroevolutionary qresidual delta
2023Valence-dependent mutation in lexical evolutionJoshua Conrad Jackson et al. Indo-Europeanmacroevolutionary
2023A recent northern origin for the Uto-Aztecan familySimon J. Greenhill et al. Uto-Aztecan, Kiowa-Tanoanphylogenetic dating phylogenetic trait asr
2023A phylolinguistic classification of the Quechua language familyFrederic Blum et al. Quechuaphylogenetic
2023Short vs Long Stem Alternations in Romance Verbal Inflection: The S-MorphomeBorja Herce and Chundra A. CathcartIndo-Europeantrait
2023The evolution of lexical semantics dynamics, directionality, and driftGerd Carling et al. Indo-European, Kartvelian, Northwest Caucasian, Dagestanian, Uralic, Turkic, Semitictrait
2023Societies of strangers do not speak grammatically simpler languagesOlena Shcherbakova et al. globaltrait
2023Dental fricatives: Patterning, evolution, and factors affecting a rare class of speech soundsDan Dediu et al. Indo-European, Sino-Tibetanasr
2023Phylogenetic evidence reveals early Kra-Dai divergence and dispersal in the late HoloceneYuxin Tao et al. Kra-Daiphylogenetic dating phylogeography delta qresidual
2023Grambank reveals the importance of genealogical constraints on linguistic diversity and highlights the impact of language lossHedvig Skirgård et al. globaltrait
2023Métodos numéricos de la bioinformática aplicados al estudio diacrónico de las lenguas chibchasDavid Jiménez et al. Chibchanphylogenetic
2023Language trees with sampled ancestors support a hybrid model for the origin of Indo-European languagesPaul Heggarty et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic dating
2023Language Phylogenies: Modelling the evolution of language.Simon J. Greenhillreview
2023Cladística e Historia de la Lengua Alemana: introducción al uso de PAUPJavier Muñoz-AcebesIndo-Europeanphylogenetic
2023Word order evolves at similar rates in main and subordinate clausesYingqi Jing et al. Indo-Europeantrait
2023Supernatural explanations across 114 societies are more common for natural than social phenomenaJoshua Conrad Jackson et al. globalregression trait d-statistic
2023The time and place of origin of South Caucasian languages: insights into past human societies, ecosystems and human population geneticsAlexander Gavashelishvili et al. Kartvelianphylogenetic
2023Testing Inferences about Language Contact on Morphosyntax: A Typological Case Study on Alorese-Adang ContactKaius Sinnemäki and Noora AholaAustronesianasr
2023A Global Lexical Database (GLED) for Computational Historical LinguisticsTiago Tresoldiglobalphylogenetic
2023Lexical phylogenetics of the Tupí-Guaraní family: Language, archaeology, and the problem of chronologyFabrício Ferraz Gerardi et al. South Americaphylogenetic dating tiger delta qresidual phylogeography
2023Phylogenetic analyses for the origin of sortal classifiers in Mongolic, Tungusic, and Turkic languagesMarc Allassonnière-Tang et al. Mongolic, Tungusic, Turkicd-statistic
2023Evolution and Spread of Politeness Systems in Indo-EuropeanMichael Dunn and Kate BellamyIndo-Europeantrait
2023Subgrouping in a 'dialect continuum': A Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of the Mixtecan language familySandra Auderset et al. Mixtecanphylogenetic dating delta qresidual
2023Coevolution of religious and political authority in Austronesian societiesOliver Sheehan et al. Austronesianregression
2023Phylogenetic insight into the origin of tonesBaihui Wu et al. Sino-Tibetantrait
2023Kinbank: A global database of kinship terminologySam Passmore et al. globaltrait
2022Detecting contact in language trees: a Bayesian phylogenetic model with horizontal transferNico Neureiter et al. globalmethodological
2022Bayesian methods for ancestral state reconstruction in morphosyntax: Exploring the history of argument marking strategies in a large language familyJoshua Phillips and Claire BowernPama-Nyungantrait asr
2022Phylogeographic analysis of the Bantu language expansion supports a rainforest routeEzequiel Koile et al. Bantuphylogenetic dating phylogeography
2022The dialect chain of the Timor-Alor-Pantar language familyGereon A. Kaiping and Marian KlamerTimor-Alor-Pantarphylogenetic dating delta qresidual
2022A quantitative global test of the complexity trade-off hypothesis: the case of nominal and verbal grammatical markingOlena Shcherbakova et al. globaltrait
2022A global analysis of matches and mismatches between human genetic and linguistic historiesChiara Barbieri et al. globalmacroevolutionary
2022Evolution and Trade-Off Dynamics of Functional LoadErich R. Round et al. Pama-Nyungantrait
2022A typology of northwestern Bantu gender systemsFrancesca Di Garbo and Annemarie VerkerkBantuasr d-statistic trait
2022Managing Historical Linguistic Data for Computational Phylogenetics and Computer-Assisted Language ComparisonTiago Tresoldi et al. tutorial
2022A phylogenetic classification of Luyia language varietiesMichael R. Marlo et al. Bantuphylogenetic
2022Reconstructing the origins of language families and variationGerd Carling et al. globalreview
2022Correcting a bias in {TIGER} rates resulting from high amounts of invariant and singleton cognate setsJohann-Mattis Listglobaltiger methodological
2022Food storage facilitates professional religious specialization in hunter–gatherer societiesJoseph Watts et al. d-statistic
2022Divergence and contact in Southern Bantu language and population history: A new phylogeny in cross-disciplinary perspectiveHilde Gunnink et al. Bantuphylogenetic trait
2022Untangling the evolution of body-part terminology in Pano: conservative versus innovative traits in body-part lexicalizationRoberto Zariquiey et al. Panotrait
2022Phylogenetic signal and rate of evolutionary change in language structuresNataliia HüblerTungusic, Mongolian, Japonic, Koreanic, Turkictrait d-statistic
2022Areal pressure in grammatical evolutionChundra A. Cathcart et al. Indo-Europeanasr trait phylogenetic phylogeography
2022Uralic typology in the light of a new comprehensive datasetMiina Norvik et al. Uralicstructure
2022Phylogeny of the Turkic Languages Inferred from Basic Vocabulary: Limitations of the Lexicostatistical Methods in an Intensive Contact SituationIlya M. Egorov et al. Turkicphylogenetic dating
2022Phylogenetic trees: Grammar versus vocabularyVladimir N. Polyakov et al. globalphylogenetic
2022Modelling admixture across language levels to evaluate deep history claimsNataliia Hübler and Simon J. GreenhillTungusic, Mongolian, Japonic, Koreanic, Turkicstructure
2022Topological Analysis of Syntactic StructuresAlexander Port et al. globalphylogenetic
2022Toward an evolutionary framework for language variation and changeEmmanuel D. Ladoukakis et al. globalreview
2022Bayesian phylogenetics illuminate shallower relationships among Trans-Himalayan languages in the Tibet-Arunachal areaMei-Shin Wu et al. Sino-Tibetanphylogenetic dating
2022There's no escaping phylogeneticsDavid GoldsteinIndo-Europeanreview
2022Challenges of sampling and how phylogenetic comparative methods help: with a case study of the Pama-Nyungan laminal contrastJayden L. Macklin-Cordes and Erich R. RoundPama-Nyungantrait tutorial d-statistic
2021Triangulation supports agricultural spread of the Transeurasian languagesMartine Robbeets et al. Transeurasian, Turkic, Mongolic, Tungusic, Koreanic, Japonicphylogenetic phylogeography dating
2021Kinship terminologies reveal ancient contact zone in the Hindu KushHenrik LiljegrenHindu Kushphylogenetic
2021Phylogenetics of Indo-European Language Families via an Algebro-Geometric Analysis of Their Syntactic StructuresKevin Shu et al. phylogenetic
2021The Evolutionary Dynamics of Negative Existentials in Indo-EuropeanShahar Shirtz et al. Indo-Europeantrait
2021Altitude and the distributional typology of language structure: Ejectives and beyondMatthias Urban and Steven Moranglobal, Indo-European, Sino-Tibetantrait asr
2021Phylogenetic signal in phonotacticsJayden L. Macklin-Cordes et al. Pama-Nyungantrait
2021Historical, archaeological and linguistic evidence test the phylogenetic inference of Viking-Age plant useIrene Teixidor-Toneu et al. Indo-Europeantrait
2021The uses and abuses of tree thinking in cultural evolutionCara L. Evans et al. review tutorial methodological
2021Evolution of initiation rites during the Austronesian dispersalR Alexander Bentley et al. Austronesianasr trait
2021Reconstructing the evolution of Indo-European grammarGerd Carling and Chundra A. CathcartIndo-Europeanasr
2021A phylogenetic analysis of dispersal norms, descent and subsistence in Sino-TibetansTing Ji et al. Sino-Tibetantrait
2021The Vietic languages: a phylogenetic analysisPaul Sidwell and Mark AlvesAustro-Asiaticphylogenetic
2021Environmental factors affect the evolution of linguistic subgroups in BorneoAlexander D. Smith and Taraka RamaAustronesianphylogenetic phylogeography delta qresidual
2021Evolutionary dynamics of Indo-European alignment patternsGerd Carling and Chundra A. CathcartIndo-Europeantrait
2021Phylogenetic TypologyGerhard Jäger and Johannes Wahletrait
2021Investigating diachronic trends in phonological inventories using {BDPROTO}Steven Moran et al. globalasr trait
2021A Bayesian approach to the classification of Tungusic languagesSofia Oskolskaya et al. Tungusicphylogenetic dating
2021Can Bayesian phylogeography reconstruct migrations and expansions in linguistic evolution?Nico Neureiter et al. globalphylogeography methodological
2021Crouching TIGER, hidden structure: Exploring the nature of linguistic data using TIGER valuesKaj Syrjänen et al. Uralicmethodological tiger qresidual delta
2021Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of linguistic data using BEAST.Konstantin Hoffmann et al. tutorial
2021At the boundaries of syntactic prehistoryAndrea Ceolin et al. Indo-European, Uralic, Basque, Altaic, Turkic, Mongolic, Tungusic, Koreanic, Japonicphylogenetic
2021Rapid radiation of the inner Indo-European languages: an advanced approach to Indo-European lexicostatisticsAlexei S. Kassian et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
2021Formal Syntax as a Phylogenetic MethodCristina Guardiano et al. globalreview phylogenetic
2021Exploring correlations in genetic and cultural variation across language families in northeast AsiaHiromi Matsumae et al. Asiaphylogenetic
2021The Tupí-Guaraní language familyFabrício Ferraz Gerardi and Stanislav ReichertTupi-Guaraniphylogenetic delta qresidual
2020Dated phylogeny suggests early Neolithic origin of Sino-Tibetan languagesHanzhi Zhang et al. Sino-Tibetanphylogenetic dating
2020Bayesian PhylolinguisticsSimon J. Greenhill et al. review
2020Reconstruction and analysis of phylogenetic network on Tibeto-Burman languages in ChinaTianjun GaoSino-Tibetanphylogenetic delta
2020Evolutionary dynamics in the dispersal of sign languagesJustin M. Power et al. Sign Languagesphylogenetic
2020A test of Generalized Bayesian dating: A new linguistic dating methodTaraka Rama and Søren WichmannAbkhaz-Adyge, Afro-Asiatic, Algic, Angan, Anim, Araucanian, Arawakan, Arawan, Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit, Atlantic-Congo, Austroasiatic, Austronesian, Aymaran, Barbacoan, Blue_Nile_Mao, Boran, Border, Bosavi, Caddoan, Cariban, Central_Sudanic, Chibchan, Chicham, Chocoan, Chukotko-Kamchatkan, Cochimi-Yuman, Dagan, Dajuic, Dogon, Dravidian, East_Strickland, Eastern_Trans-Fly, Eleman, Eskimo-Aleut, Guahiboan, Guaicuruan, Gunwinyguan, Heibanic, Hmong-Mien, Huitotoan, Ijoid, Indo-European, Iroquoian, Japonic, Kadugli-Krongo, Kakua-Nukak, Kartvelian, Khoe-Kwadi, Kiowa-Tanoan, Kiwaian, Koiarian, Koman, Kuliak, Kxa, Lakes_Plain, Left_May, Lengua-Mascoy, Lower_Sepik-Ramu, Maban, Mande, Maningrida, Manubaran, Matacoan, Mayan, Mixe-Zoque, Mongolic, Morehead-Wasur, Muskogean, Nadahup, Nakh-Daghestanian, Narrow_Talodi, Ndu, Nilotic, North_Halmahera, Nubian, Nuclear_Torricelli, Nuclear_Trans_New_Guinea, Nuclear-Macro-Je, Otomanguean, Pama-Nyungan, Pano-Tacanan, Pauwasi, Pomoan, Quechuan, Saharan, Salishan, Sentanic, Sepik, Sino-Tibetan, Siouan, Sko, Songhay, South_Birds_Head_Family, South_Omotic, Southern_Daly, Suki-Gogodala, Surmic, Ta-Ne-Omotic, Tai-Kadai, Tarascan, Timor-Alor-Pantar, Totonacan, Tucanoan, Tungusic, Tupian, Turkic, Tuu, Uralic, Uru-Chipaya, Uto-Aztecan, Wakashan, Walioic, Western_Daly, Yanomamic, Yawa-Saweru, Yeniseianmacroevolutionary phylogenetic
2020A bird's-eye view on South Asian languages through {LSI}Lars Borin et al. Indiaphylogenetic
2020Formal Syntax and Deep HistoryAndrea Ceolin et al. Indo-European, Othersphylogenetic delta qresidual
2020Kalunga in the Lusophone Context: A Phylogenetic StudyAna Paulla Braga Mattos and Márcia Santos Duarte OliveiraCreole languagesphylogenetic
2020Phylogenetic linguistic evidence and the Dene-Yeniseian homelandIgor YanovichDene-Yeniseiancriticism methodological
2020More rule than exception: Parallel evidence of ancient migrations in grammars and genomes of Finno-Ugric speakersPatrícia Santos et al. Indo-European, Finno-Ugricphylogenetic
2020Numeral classifiers and number marking in Indo-IranianChundra A. Cathcart et al. Indo-Europeantrait
2020Geographical and social isolation drive the evolution of Austronesian languagesCecilia Padilla-Iglesias et al. Austronesianmacroevolutionary
2020The evolutionary trends of grammatical gender in Indo-Aryan languagesMarc Allassonnière-Tang and Michael Dunn
2020Best practices in justifying calibrations for dating language familiesLuke Maurits et al. Uralicmethodological
2020Indo-European phylogenetics with RDavid GoldsteinIndo-Europeantutorial
2020Pama–Nyungan grandparent systems change with grandchildren, but not cross-cousin terms or social normsCatherine Sheard et al. Pama-Nyungantrait
2020Bayesian phylolinguistics infers the internal structure and the time-depth of the Turkic language familyAlexander Savelyev and Martine RobbeetsTurkicphylogenetic dating
2019Revising the Bantu TreePeter M. Whiteley et al. Bantuphylogenetic
2019Human sound systems are shaped by post-Neolithic changes in bite configurationDamián E. Blasi et al. Indo-Europeantrait
2019Phylogenetic evidence for Sino-Tibetan origin in northern China in the Late NeolithicMenghan Zhang et al. Sino-Tibetanphylogenetic dating
2019An Automated Framework for Fast Cognate Detection and Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference in Computational Historical LinguisticsTaraka Rama and Johann-Mattis Listglobalmethodological
2019Untangling the West-Coastal Bantu mess: identification, geography and phylogeny of the Bantu B50-80 languagesSara Pacchiarotti et al. Bantuphylogenetic
2019Computational historical linguisticsGerhard Jägerglobalreview
2019Detecting non-tree-like signal using multiple tree topologiesAnnemarie VerkerkAustronesian, Indo-European, Sinitic, Japonicmacroevolutionary
2019Influence of the tree prior and sampling scale on Bayesian phylogenetic estimates of the origin times of language familiesAndrew M. Ritchie and Simon Y. W. Hoglobalmethodological phylogenetic dating
2019Dialect Typology: Recent AdvancesMelanie Röthlisberger and Benedikt Szmrecsanyireview
2019Explaining marriage patterns in a globally representative sample through socio-ecology and population history: A Bayesian phylogenetic analysis using a new supertreeRiana Minocher et al. globaltrait
2019Dated language phylogenies shed light on the ancestry of Sino-TibetanLaurent Sagart et al. Sino-Tibetanphylogenetic dating
2019Environmental conditions do not predict diversification rates in the Bantu languagesRobert Beyer et al. Bantumacroevolutionary
2018A Bayesian phylogenetic study of the Dravidian language familyVishnupriya Kolipakam et al. Dravidianphylogenetic dating delta qresidual
2018Coevolution of landesque capital intensive agriculture and sociopolitical hierarchyOliver Sheehan et al. Austronesiantrait d-statistic
2018The origin and expansion of Pama–Nyungan languages across AustraliaRemco Bouckaert et al. Pama-Nyunganphylogenetic dating phylogeography
2018Post-marital residence patterns show lineage-specific evolutionJiří C. Moravec et al. globaltrait
2018Syntactic Phylogenetic TreesKevin Shu et al. globalphylogenetic
2018The deep history of the number wordsMark Pagel and Andrew MeadeAustronesian, Bantu, Indo-Europeantrait
2018Phylogeny in Phonology: How Tai Sound Systems Encode Their PastRikker DockumKra-Daiphylogenetic delta qresidual d-statistic
2018Using features of a Creole language to reconstruct population history and cultural evolution: tracing the English origins of SrananAndré C. Sherriah et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
2018A New Method for Computational Cladistics: An Afro-Asiatic Case StudyHezekiah Akiva Bacovcin and David WilsonAfro-Asiaticphylogenetic
2018Are Automatic Methods for Cognate Detection Good Enough for Phylogenetic Reconstruction in Historical Linguistics?Taraka Rama et al. globalmethodological
2018Christianity spread faster in small, politically structured societiesJoseph Watts et al. Austronesiantrait regression
2018Three tree priors and five datasets: A study of Indo-European phylogeneticsTaraka RamaIndo-Europeanmethodological phylogenetic
2018Bayesian phylolinguistics reveals the internal structure of the Transeurasian familyMartine Robbeets and Remco BouckaertTranseurasian, Turkic, Mongolic, Tungusic, Koreanic, Japonicphylogenetic dating
2018Towards identifying the optimal datasize for lexically-based Bayesian inference of linguistic phylogeniesTaraka Rama and Søren WichmannGlobalmethodological
2018The evolution of language families is shaped by the environment beyond neutral driftChristian Bentz et al. globalmacroevolutionary
2018Computational PhylogeneticsClaire Bowernreview
2018The Limits and Potentials of Cladistics in SemiticPetr ZemánekSemiticphylogenetic
2018Making genealogical language classifications available for phylogenetic analysisDan Dediuglobalmethodological
2018Modeling linguistic evolution: a look under the hoodChundra A. Cathcartglobalreview
2018Typological variation across Mandarin dialects: An areal perspective with a quantitative approachPui Yiu Szeto et al. Siniticphylogenetic
2018Global-scale phylogenetic linguistic inference from lexical resourcesGerhard Jägerglobalphylogenetic
2018A new proposal for Min subgrouping based on a maximum-parsimony algorithm for generating phylogenetic treesZhijun ZhengSino-Tibetanphylogenetic
2017Lateral transfer in Stochastic Dollo modelsLuke J. Kelly and Geoff K. NichollsAustronesianphylogenetic methodological
2017Computational analysis of Gondi dialectsTaraka Rama et al. Dravidianphylogenetic methodological
2017The _Indo-European controversy_ and Bayesian phylogenetic methodsClaire BowernIndo-European, Australiareview
2017Tongues on the EDGE: language preservation priorities based on threat and lexical distinctivenessNicolas Perrault et al. Austronesianmacroevolutionary
2017Linguistics and evolutionary biology continue to cross-fertilize each other and may do so even more in the future, including in the field of creolisticsFinn BorchseniusCreolesreview
2017{BEASTling}: A software tool for linguistic phylogenetics using {BEAST} 2Luke Maurits et al. Indo-European, Austronesianmethodological phylogenetic
2017The typology and classification of French-based creoles: A global perspective.Aymeric Daval-MarkussenCreolesphylogenetic
2017Cultural macroevolution mattersRussell D. Gray and Joseph Wattsglobalreview
2017Methods: On the use of networks in the study of language contactPeter Bakker et al. Creolestutorial
2017NP recursion over time: Evidence from Indo-EuropeanManuel Widmer et al. Indo-Europeantrait
2017Phylogenetics in biology and linguisticsFinn Borchsenius et al. global, Creolesreview
2017Cognitive creolistics and semantic primes: A phylogenetic network analysisCarsten Levisen and Kristoffer Friis BøeghCreolesphylogenetic
2017Creole typology II: Typological features of creoles: From early proposals to phylogenetic approaches and comparisons with non-creolesAymeric Daval-Markussen and Peter BakkerCreolesreview
2017Similarities and differences among Iberian creolesEeva M. SippolaCreolesdelta
2017From basic to cultural semanticsCarsten LevisenCreolesreview
2017The simple emerging from the complex: Nominal number in Juba Arabic creole.Yonatan GoldshteinCreolesphylogenetic
2017Language Diversity of the Japanese Archipelago and its Relationship with Human DNA DiversityNaruya Saitou and Timothy A. JinamJaponiccriticism phylogenetic
2017Dative sickness: A phylogenetic analysis of argument structure evolution in GermanicMichael Dunn et al. Indo-Europeantrait
2017Afro-Hispanic varieties in comparison: New light from phylogenyDanae Perez et al. Creolesphylogenetic
2017The semantics of Englishes and Creoles: Pacific and Australian perspectivesCarsten Levisen et al. Creolesphylogenetic
2017Linguistic homoplasy and phylogeny reconstruction. The cases of Lezgian and Tsezic languages (North Caucasus)Alexei S. KassianLezgian, Tsezicphylogenetic
2017West African languages and creoles worldwideAymeric Daval-Markussen et al. Creolesphylogenetic
2017Complementing creole studies with phylogeneticsEeva M. SippolaCreolesreview
2017Dutch creoles compared with their lexifierPeter BakkerCreolesphylogenetic
2017New Evidence from Linguistic Phylogenetics Identifies Limits to Punctuational ChangeEric W. Holman and Søren Wichmannglobalmacroevolutionary
2017Insights From Evolutionary Anthropology on the (Pre)history of the Nuclear FamilyLaura FortunatoIndo-Europeanreview
2017Evolutionary dynamics of language systemsSimon J. Greenhill et al. Austronesianmacroevolutionary delta qresidual
2017Lexicalization patterns in core vocabulary: A cross-creole study of semantic moleculesCarsten Levisen and Karime Aragónphylogenetic
2016A test of coding procedures for lexical data with Tup i-Guaran i and Chapacuran languagesNatalia Chousou-Polydouri et al. Chapacuran, Tupi-Guaranimethodological
2016A combined comparative and phylogenetic analysis of the Chapacuran language familyJoshua Birchall et al. Chapacuranphylogenetic dating delta qresidual
2016Applying Population Genetic Approaches within LanguagesKaj Syrjänen et al. Finnishstructure phylogenetic
2016Formal linguistics as a cue to demographic historyGiuseppe Longobardi et al. Indo-Europeanreview
2016Investigating the potential of ancestral state reconstruction algorithms in historical linguisticsGerhard Jäger and Johann-Mattis Listtrait asr
2016Ritual human sacrifice promoted and sustained the evolution of stratified societiesJoseph Watts et al. Austronesiand-statistic trait
2016A Phylogenetic Comparative Study of Bantu Kinship Terminology Finds Limited Support for Its Co-Evolution with Social OrganisationMyrtille Guillon and Ruth MaceBantutrait
2016Estimating rates of lexical replacement on phylogenetic trees of languagesMark Pagel and Andrew MeadeBantu, Indo-Europeantrait
2016Darwinian perspectives on the evolution of human languagesMark Pagelglobalreview
2016Decomposing hierarchical alignment: Co-arguments as conditions on alignment and the limits of referential hierarchies as explanations in verb agreementAlena Witzlack-Makarevich et al. Kiranti, Algonquiantrait
2016A Phylogenetic Analysis of Stable Structural Features in West African LanguagesKristoffer Friis Bøegh et al. West Africaphylogenetic
2016Phylogenetic reconstruction in syntax: the Parametric Comparison MethodGiuseppe Longobardi and Cristina Guardianoreview
2016Using hybridization networks to retrace the evolution of Indo-European languagesMatthieu Willems et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
2016Correlated Evolution Or Not? Phylogenetic Linguistics With Syntactic, Cognacy, And Phonetic DataGiuseppe Longobardi et al. Indo-Europeanmacroevolutionary
2016The typology and diachrony of higher numerals in Indo-European: a phylogenetic comparative studyAndreea S. Calude and Annemarie VerkerkIndo-Europeantrait
2016Phylogenetic approach to the evolution of color term systemsHannah J. Haynie and Claire BowernPama-Nyungantrait
2016Ancestry sampling for Indo-European phylogeny and datesTaraka RamaIndo-Europeanphylogenetic
2016Ancestral state reconstruction and loanword detectionMarisa Köllner and Johannes DellertIndo-Europeantrait asr
2016Cultural and Environmental Predictors of Pre-European Deforestation on Pacific IslandsQuentin D. Atkinson et al. Austronesiantrait
2015Introducing a state-of-the-art phylogenetic classification of the Kikongo Language ClusterGilles-Maurice de Schryver et al. Bantuphylogenetic
2015Broad supernatural punishment but not moralizing high gods precede the evolution of political complexity in AustronesiaJoseph Watts et al. Austronesiand-statistic asr trait
2015Genealogical relations and lexical distances within the Tupian linguistic familyAna Vilacy Galucio et al. Tupianphylogenetic delta
2015Detecting Regular Sound Changes in Linguistics as Events of Concerted EvolutionDaniel J. Hruschka et al. Turkicphylogenetic dating
2015A Bayesian Phylogenetic Classification of Tupi-GuaraniLev Michael et al. Tupi-Guaraniphylogenetic
2015A Sketch of Language History in the Korean PeninsulaSean LeeKoreanicdating phylogenetic structure phylogeography An online database of New Guinea languagesSimon J. GreenhillHuon Peninsulaphylogenetic qresidual
2015Improved computational models of sound change shed light on the history of the Tukanoan languagesThiago Costa Chacon and Johann-Mattis ListTucanoanphylogenetic
2015Quantifying uncertainty in the phylogenetics of Australian numeral systemsKevin Zhou and Claire BowernPama-Nyungantrait
2015Across language families: Genome diversity mirrors linguistic variation within EuropeGiuseppe Longobardi et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
2015Bantu expansion shows that habitat alters the route and pace of human dispersalsRebecca Grollemund et al. Bantuphylogenetic dating phylogeography
2015Evolution and Language: Phylogenetic AnalysesSimon J. Greenhillreview
2015Ancestry-constrained phylogenetic analysis supports the Indo-European steppe hypothesisWill Chang et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic dating
2015A comparison of worldwide phonemic and genetic variation in human populationsNicole Creanza et al. globalasr macroevolutionary
2015Towards a Formal Genealogical Classification of the Lezgian Languages (North Caucasus): Testing Various Phylogenetic Methods on Lexical DataAlexei S. KassianLezgianphylogenetic
2015A comparison of verbal person marking across Tupian languagesJoshua BirchallTupiantrait
2015Borrowing, Character Weighting, and Preliminary Cluster Analysis in a Phylogenetic Analysis of the Ancient Greek DialectsChristina Michelle SkeltonIndo-Europeanphylogenetic
2014Behind Family Trees: Secondary Connections in Uralic Language NetworksJyri Lehtinen et al. Uralicphylogenetic delta
2014Tracing the roots of syntax with Bayesian phylogeneticsLuke Maurits and Thomas L. Griffithsglobalasr
2014Linguistic phylogenies support back-migration from Beringia to Asia.Mark A. Sicoli and Gary HoltonDene-Yeniseianphylogenetic delta qresidual
2014Prehistory by Bayesian phylogenetics? The state of the art on Indo-European originsPaul HeggartyIndo-Europeanreview
2014Historical linguistics as a sequence optimization problem: the evolution and biogeography of Uto-Aztecan languagesWard C. Wheeler and Peter M. WhiteleyUto-Aztecanphylogenetic
2014Language phylogeniesMichael Dunnreview
2014Oceanic barriers promote language diversification in the Japanese IslandsSean Lee and Toshikazu HasegawaJaponicphylogenetic delta qresidual macroevolutionary
2014Phylogenetic reconstruction of Bantu kinship challenges Main Sequence Theory of human social evolutionChristopher Opie et al. Bantutrait
2014Diachronic change in Indo-European motion event encodingAnnemarie VerkerkIndo-Europeanasr trait
2013Cultural and climatic changes shape the evolutionary history of the Uralic languages.Terhi Honkola et al. Uralicphylogenetic dating macroevolutionary
2013Cultural phylogeography of the Bantu Languages of sub-Saharan AfricaThomas E. Currie et al. Bantuphylogenetic phylogeography
2013Trees, thickets, or something in between? Recent theoretical and empirical work in cultural phylogenyMichael J. O'Brien et al. globalreview
2013Ultraconserved words point to deep language ancestry across EurasiaMark Pagel et al. Altaic, Turkic, Mongolic, Tungusic, Koreanic, Japonic, Chukchee-Kamchatkan, Dravidian, Inuit-Yupik, Indo-European, Kartvelian, Uralicphylogenetic dating
2013Evolution of the Ainu Language in Space and TimeSean Lee and Toshikazu HasegawaAinuphylogenetic dating phylogeography delta qresidual
2013The Encoding of Manner Predications and Resultatives in Oceanic: A Typological and Historical OverviewAnnemarie Verkerk and Benedicte Haraldstad FrostadAustronesiantrait
2013Time and Place in the Prehistory of the Aslian LanguagesMichael Dunn et al. Aslian, Austronesianphylogenetic dating phylogeography
2013First steps towards a typological profile of creolesAymeric Daval-MarkussenCreolesphylogenetic
2013An experimental study comparing linguistic phylogenetic reconstruction methodsFrançois Barbançon et al. globalmethodological
2013Toward a syntactic phylogeny of modern Indo-European languagesGiuseppe Longobardi et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
2013A lexicostatistical study of the Khasian languages: Khasi, Pnar, Lyngngam, and WarK. S. Nagaraja et al. Austroasiaticphylogenetic dating
2013Mapping the Origins and Expansion of the Indo-European Language Family (Correction)Remco Bouckaert et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic dating
2013The Phylogenetic Status of Pacific Coast Athabaskan: A Computational AssessmentJustin SpenceAthabaskanphylogenetic
2013Shedding More Light on Language Classification Using Basic Vocabularies and Phylogenetic Methods: A Case Study of UralicKaj Syrjänen et al. Uralicphylogenetic
2013Phylogenetic Models of Language Change: Three New QuestionsRussell D. Gray et al. review
2012Typological profile: L1 varietiesBenedikt Szmrecsanyiphylogenetic
2012Computational phylogenetics and the internal structure of Pama-NyunganClaire Bowern and Quentin D. AtkinsonPama-Nyunganphylogenetic
2012Linguistic Phylogenetic Inference by PAM-like MatricesAntonella Delmestri and Nello CristianiniIndo-Europeanphylogenetic methodological
2012Basic vocabulary and Bayesian phylolinguistics: Issues of understanding and representationSimon J. Greenhill and Russell D. GrayAustronesianreview
2012Cultural Phylogenetics of the Tupi Language Family in Lowland South AmericaRobert S. Walker et al. Tupiphylogenetic phylogeography trait
2012Internal Classification of the Alor-Pantar Language Family Using Computational Methods Applied to the LexiconLaura C. Robinson and Gary HoltonTimor-Alor-Pantarphylogenetic delta
2012Mapping the Origins and Expansion of the Indo-European Language FamilyRemco Bouckaert et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic dating phylogeography
2012Abstract Profiles of Structural Stability Point to Universal Tendencies, Family-Specific Factors, and Ancient Connections between LanguagesDan Dediu and Stephen C. Levinsonglobaltrait
2012Bringing together linguistic and genetic evidence to test the Bantu expansionCesare de Filippo et al. Bantuphylogenetic
2012The riddle of Tasmanian languagesClaire BowernTasmania, Australiaphylogenetic dating
2011Bayesian phylogenetic analysis supports an agricultural origin of Japonic languages.Sean Lee and Toshikazu HasegawaJaponicphylogenetic dating
2011Creoles Are Typologically Distinct from Non-CreolesPeter Bakker et al. Creole languagesphylogenetic
2011A Bayesian phylogenetic approach to estimating the stability of linguistic features and the genetic biasing of toneDan Dediuglobaltrait
2011On the Accuracy of Language TreesSimone Pompei et al. globalmethodological phylogenetic
2011Evolved structure of language shows lineage-specific trends in word-order universalsMichael Dunn et al. Austronesian, Bantu, Indo-European, Uto-Aztecanmacroevolutionary
2011Holistic corpus-based dialectologyBenedikt Szmrecsanyi and Christoph WolkIndo-Europeanphylogenetic
2011A Phylogenetic Analysis of the Evolution of Austronesian Sibling TerminologiesFiona M. JordanAustronesiantrait asr
2011Networks uncover hidden lexical borrowing in Indo-European language evolutionShijulal Nelson-Sathi et al. Indo-Europeanmacroevolutionary
2011Bayesian phylogeography of the Arawak expansion in lowland South AmericaRobert S. Walker and Lincoln A. RibeiroArawakanphylogenetic phylogeography
2011Language evolution and human history: what a difference a date makesRussell D. Gray et al. review
2011Reconstructing the History of Marriage Strategies in Indo-European-Speaking Societies: Monogamy and PolygynyLaura FortunatoIndo-Europeantrait
2011Correlates of Reticulation in Linguistic PhylogeniesEric W. Holman et al. globalmacroevolutionary delta qresidual
2011Reconstructing the History of Residence Strategies in Indo-European{ extemdash}Speaking Societies: Neo-, Uxori-, and VirilocalityLaura FortunatoIndo-Europeantrait
2011Aslian linguistic prehistoryMichael Dunn et al. Aslian, Austroasiaticphylogenetic
2010Beyond lexicostatisticsPaul HeggartyAymara, Quechuareview phylogenetic
2010Splits or waves? Trees or webs? How divergence measures and network analysis can unravel language historiesPaul Heggarty et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
2010The shape and tempo of language evolutionSimon J. Greenhill et al. global, Austronesian, Indo-Europeantrait phylogenetic
2010How Accurate and Robust Are the Phylogenetic Estimates of Austronesian Language Relationships?Simon J. Greenhill et al. Austronesianphylogenetic dating
2010Your place or mine? A phylogenetic comparative analysis of marital residence in Indo-European and Austronesian societiesLaura Fortunato and Fiona M. JordanIndo-European, Austronesiantrait asr
2010Social complexity and linguistic diversity in the Austronesian and Bantu population expansionsRobert S. Walker and Marcus J. HamiltonAustronesian, Bantutrait
2010Long-Range Comparison between Genes and Languages Based on Syntactic DistancesVincenza Colonna et al. Indo-Europeanmacroevolutionary
2010Phonetic comparison, varieties, and networks: Swadesh's influence lives on here tooJennifer Sullivan and April McMahonphylogenetic
2010On the shape and fabric of human historyRussell D. Gray et al. Austronesian, Indo-Europeandelta qresidual phylogenetic
2010Rise and fall of political complexity in island South-East Asia and the PacificThomas E. Currie et al. Austronesiantrait
2010Historical Linguistics in Australia: Trees, Networks and Their Implications.Claire BowernKarnicphylogenetic
2009Darwin, language, and two great Pacific voyagesSimon J. Greenhill and Russell D. GrayAustronesianreview
2009Contact and Phylogeny in Island MelanesiaMichael DunnIsland Melanesiaphylogenetic
2009Explaining the Linguistic Diversity of Sahul Using Population ModelsGer Reesink et al. Trans-New Guinea, Pama-Nyungan, Austronesian, Andamanese, Timor-Alor-Pantar, Otherstructure
2009Austronesian language phylogenies: Myths and misconceptions about Bayesian computational methodsSimon J. Greenhill and Russell D. GrayAustronesianphylogenetic dating
2009(Un)classifying Shabo: phylogenetic methods and resultsTyler SchnoebelenNilo-Saharanphylogenetic
2009Using WALS and Jazyki miraVladimir N. Polyakov et al. globalphylogenetic
2009Evidence for syntax as a signal of historical relatednessGiuseppe Longobardi and Cristina GuardianoEuropephylogenetic
2009Testing functional hypotheses about cross-cultural variation: A maximum-likelihood comparative analysis of Indo-European marriage practicesLaura Fortunato and Ruth MaceIndoEuropeanphylogenetic trait
2009Human language as a culturally transmitted replicatorMark Pagelreview
2009Matrilocal residence is ancestral in Austronesian societiesFiona M. Jordan et al. Austronesiantrait
2009Does horizontal transmission invalidate cultural phylogenies?Simon J. Greenhill et al. globalmethodological
2009Language Phylogenies Reveal Expansion Pulses and Pauses in Pacific Settlement.Russell D. Gray et al. Austronesianphylogenetic dating
2009Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of Semitic languages identifies an Early Bronze Age origin of Semitic in the Near EastAndrew Kitchen et al. Semiticphylogenetic dating
2008A Phylogenetic Approach to the History of Cultural PracticesLaura FortunatoBantureview
2008Genetics, Historical Linguistics and Language VariationApril McMahon and Robert McMahonreview
2008Languages Evolve in Punctuational BurstsQuentin D. Atkinson et al. Austronesian, Bantu, Indo-Europeanmacroevolutionary
2008Tutorial on Computational Linguistic PhylogenyJohanna Nichols and Tandy Warnowreview
2008Indo-European languages tree by Levenshtein distanceMaurizio Serva and Filippo PetroniIndo-Europeanphylogenetic
2008Approche cladistique des vocalismes d'oïl à partir des données de l'ALFAntonella Gaillard-Corvaglia et al. Oïl Varieties, Southern Italo-Romancephylogenetic
2008Three fundamental issues in parametric linguisticsChiara Gianollo et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
2008Language distance and tree reconstructionFilippo Petroni and Maurizio ServaIndo-European, Austronesianphylogenetic
2008Dated Ancestral Trees from Binary Trait Data and Their Application to the Diversification of LanguagesGeoff K. Nicholls and Russell D. GrayIndo-Europeanphylogenetic dating
2007The Pleasures and Perils of Darwinizing Culture (with phylogenies)Russell D. Gray et al. review
2007Testing cladistics on dialect networks and phyla (gallo-romance and southern italo-romance).Antonella Gaillard-Corvaglia et al. Oïl Varieties, Southern Italo-Romancephylogenetic
2007Frequency of word-use predicts rates of lexical evolution throughout Indo-European historyMark Pagel et al. Indo-Europeantrait
2007How to use typological databases in historical linguistic researchSøren Wichmann and Arpiar Saundersglobalreview phylogenetic
2006From bridewealth to dowry?Laura Fortunato et al. Indo-Europeantrait
2006How old is the Indo-European language family? Illumination or more moths to the flame?Quentin D. Atkinson and Russell D. GrayIndo-Europeanreview
2006Quantifying uncertainty in a stochastic model of vocabulary evolutionGeoff K. Nicholls and Russell D. GrayIndo-Europeanmethodological
2006Mandarin dialect phylogenyWilliam H. BaxterSino-Tibetanphylogenetic
2006Cladistic Analysis of Bantu Languages: A New Tree Based on Combined Lexical and Grammatical Data.Kateřina Rexová et al. Bantuphylogenetic
2006From Species to Languages: a phylogenetic approach to human prehistoryQuentin D. AtkinsonMayanphylogenetic dating trait
2006Stuck in the Forest: Trees, Networks and Chinese DialectsMahé Ben Hamed and Feng WangSiniticphylogenetic
2006Radiation and Network Breaking in Polynesian LinguisticsDavid BryantAustronesianmethodological phylogenetic
2006Rapid Radiation, Borrowing and Dialect Continua in the Bantu LanguagesClare J. Holden and Russell D. GrayBantuphylogenetic
2006Why linguists don't do dates: Evidence from Indo-European and Australian languagesApril McMahon and Robert McMahonIndo-European, Pama-Nyunganphylogenetic
2006Evolution of English basic vocabulary within the network of Germanic languagesPeter Forster et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
2006A stochastic model of language evolution that incorporates homoplasy and borrowing.Tandy Warnow et al. Indo-Europeanmethodological
2006Interdisciplinary Indiscipline. Can Phylogenetic Methods Meaningfully Be Applied to Language Data - and to Dating Language?Paul HeggartyIndo-Europeanphylogenetic
2005A comparison of phylogenetic reconstruction methods on an Indo-European datasetLuay Nakhleh et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
2005Pushing the time barrier in the quest for language rootsRussell D. Grayreviewreview
2005The cow is the enemy of matrilinyClare J. Holden and Ruth MaceBantutrait
2005On Cladistic Reconstruction of Linguistic Trees through Vowel DataMahé Ben Hamed et al. Indo-European, Uralic, Niger-Kordofanian, Afro-Asiatic, Altaic, Turkic, Mongolic, Tungusic, Koreanic, Japonicphylogenetic
2005Comparison of Maximum Parsimony and Bayesian Bantu Language TreesClare J. Holden et al. Bantuphylogenetic
2005Parametric Comparison and Language TaxonomyCristina Guardiano and Giuseppe LongobardiIndo-Europeanphylogenetic
2005Untangling our Past: Languages, Trees, Splits and NetworksDavid Bryant et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
2005Structural Phylogenetics and the Reconstruction of Ancient Language HistoryMichael Dunn et al. Island Melanesiaphylogenetic
2005Testing population dispersal hypotheses: Pacific settlement, phylogenetic trees and Austronesian languagesSimon J. Greenhill and Russell D. GrayAustronesianphylogenetic
2005Neighbour-Nets Portray the Chinese Dialect Continuum and the Linguistic Legacy of China's Demic History.Mahé Ben HamedSiniticphylogenetic
2005Swadesh sublists and the benefits of borrowing: An Andean case studyApril McMahon et al. Indo-European, Aymara, Quechuaphylogenetic
2005From Words to Dates: Water Into Wine, Mathemagic or Phylogenetic Inference?Quentin D. Atkinson et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic dating
2005Bayesian Estimation of Correlated Evolution Across Cultures: a Case Study of Marriage Systems and Wealth Transfer at MarriageMark Pagel and Andrew MeadeIndo-Europeantutorial trait
2005Perfect Phylogenetic Networks: A New Methodology for Reconstructing the Evolutionary History of Natural LanguagesLuay Nakhleh et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
2005A phylogenetic approach to cultural evolutionRuth Mace and Clare J. Holdenglobalreview
2004Are Accurate Dates an Intractable Problem for Historical Linguistics?Quentin D. Atkinson and Russell D. GrayIndo-Europeanreview
2004Recent work in computational linguistic phylogenyJoseph F. Eska and Donald A. Ringecriticism
2003Toward a phylogenetic chronology of ancient Gaulish, Celtic, and Indo-EuropeanPeter Forster and Alfred TothIndo-Europeanphylogenetic
2003Cladistic Analysis of Languages: Indo-European Classification Based on Lexicostatistical DataKateřina Rexová et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
2003Finding Families: Quantitative Methods in Language ClassificationApril McMahon and Robert McMahonIndo-Europeanphylogenetic
2003Untangling Oceanic settlement: the edge of the knowableMatthew E. Hurles et al. Austronesianphylogenetic
2003Language-tree divergence times support the Anatolian theory of Indo-European originRussell D. Gray and Quentin D. AtkinsonIndo-Europeanphylogenetic dating
2003Reconstructing the evolutionary history of Indo-European languages using answer set programming.Esra Erdem et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
2002Bantu Language Trees Reflect the Spread of Farming across Sub-Saharan Africa: A Maximum-Parsimony AnalysisClare J. HoldenBantuphylogenetic
2002Indo-European and Computational CladisticsDonald A. Ringe et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
2000Maximum likelihood models for glottochronology and for reconstructing linguistic phylogeniesMark PagelIndo-Europeanphylogenetic methodological
2000The History, Rate and Pattern of World Linguistic EvolutionMark Pagelglobalmacroevolutionary
2000Language Trees Support the Express-Train Sequence of Austronesian ExpansionRussell D. Gray and Fiona M. JordanAustronesianphylogenetic
1998Evolutionary network analysis of word lists: Visualising the relationships between alpine romance languagesPeter Forster et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
1998Computational Cladistics and the Position of TocharianDonald A. Ringe et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic
1997Mathematical approaches to comparative linguisticsTandy Warnowglobalreview
1996Reconstructing the Evolutionary History of Natural LanguagesTandy Warnow et al. Indo-Europeanphylogenetic methodological
1996Cross-cultural patterns of marriage and inheritance: A phylogenetic approachGuy Cowlishaw and Ruth Macetrait
1983Unchanged Cognates as a Criterion in Linguistic SubgroupingBhadriraju Krishnamurti et al. Dravidianphylogenetic