Simon J. Greenhill
Simon J. Greenhill
Language Phylogenies
Games and enculturation: A cross-cultural analysis of cooperative goal structures in Austronesian games.
(November 24, 2021)
Do languages and genes share cultural evolutionary history?
(October 7, 2021)
Pathways to social inequality.
(July 12, 2021)
Historical, archaeological and linguistic evidence test the phylogenetic inference of Viking-Age plant use.
(May 17, 2021)
The uses and abuses of tree thinking in cultural evolution.
(May 17, 2021)
The Austronesian Game Taxonomy: A cross-cultural dataset of historical games.
(May 13, 2021)
CHIELD: the causal hypotheses in evolutionary linguistics database.
(April 20, 2020)
Emotion semantics show both cultural variation and universal structure
(December 20, 2019)
Parasites and politics: why cross-cultural studies must control for relatedness, proximity and covariation
(September 7, 2018)
Post-Marital Residence Patterns Show Lineage-Specific Evolution
(June 20, 2018)
What smartphone apps may contribute to language evolution research
(June 20, 2018)
The evolutionary dynamics of language systems
(November 21, 2017)
D-PLACE: A Global Database of Cultural, Linguistic and Environmental Diversity
(July 8, 2016)
Cultural and Environmental Predictors of Pre-European Deforestation on Pacific Islands
(May 29, 2016)
Broad supernatural punishment but not moralizing high gods precede the evolution of political complexity
(March 4, 2015)
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